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Frankfurt - Romantic Feelings On The Main River

Walking in Frankfurt, on eyes lost a magic story, because the city seems to be a mixture of various cultural bits and bobs from many parts of the world.

Frankfurt airport is considered one of the biggest in the world and the city itself is also a powerful economic centre of Europe. Although there is not a complex of museums gathered on the peninsula at the centre of the city such as Berlin and though it is not a place with a dense concentration of castles such as Heidelberg, one can still enjoy the curved iron bridge Eisernersteg.

In Romerberg Square, visitors enjoy taking photographs with the three houses Romer, an architectural project with frontage of mosaic pictures. It is the pride of the citizens of Frankfurt because it is from 1405. The combination of ancient and modern styles in this city gives an unforgettable impression.

Looking into the distance, visitors can't take their eyes from the Main Tower which is rising into the sky, covered with glittering green glass. This tower appears splendid, representing the talent of the contemporary architect.

Visitors also enjoy the ancient steps of the theatre Alte Oper and the church Libfrauenkirche, which was built in the 14th century. There is much heritage preserved from the Renaissance in Germany. Walking down small streets in the centre, people will see statues in the Roman style standing on the landing step of the old houses. There are also some well-proportioned colonnades which is the Greek style, this contrasts with the black stone roofs of houses with the age of hundreds of years hidden somewhere.

In each corner, below the shade of trees, there is the sound of the street artists. If the central area is fairly calm the other riverbank is a different world every Sunday. The flea market, which is one of the most crowded in Europe, lies across the bank. There are thousands of colorful tents on the grass, hundreds of beer kiosks selling Doner Kebap or bread with salt and many kinds of goods are displayed in the trolleys or on cloth on the ground.

The tourists crowd with the locals, all bargains and purchase anything from the old books to old domestic appliances. Souvenirs come from everywhere and the noisy air is nearly impossible to imagine. All these different features give the feeling of multicolored living where each moment is worth enjoying and each street corner contains something to discover...

By: Mr. Billy Bui

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